Equality & Diversity at 11KBW
11KBW is committed to equality and diversity, and particularly keen to improve access to the Bar for members of under-represented groups.
We participate in the Bridging the Bar mini-pupillage scheme, for students who, owing to their disability, ethnic background, socio-economic background, education or sexuality, belong to groups which are statistically underrepresented in the profession. Members of Chambers also participate in the Bar Council’s Bar Placement Scheme, which is run in conjunction with Pathways to Law and the Social Mobility Foundation.
We have established a scholarship that is awarded each year to a student on the BPTC from Black/Caribbean/African/Black British ethnic groups, the recipient of which will receive an award of £30,000, a guaranteed Assessed Mini-Pupillage, and a dedicated interview place for pupillage if their performance at mini-pupillage meets an appropriate threshold. Full details of the scholarship, including the eligibility criteria and applications process are here https://11kbwscholarship.com.
We welcome applications from members of all under-represented groups, whether or not they fall within the scholarship eligibility criteria.
We seek to recruit the best people from every background and are proud to be using the Rare Contextual Recruitment System https://contextualrecruitment.co.uk/ which allows us to understand each applicant’s achievements in the context in which they have been gained.
We have an active Equality, Diversity and Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee, as well as a Parents’ Forum that meets regularly to discuss the issues facing those with caring responsibilities at the Bar.
Our equality and diversity policy statement is here and our policy against harassment is here.
Our members, parenting and flexible working policy statement is here.
Our Members of Chambers Diversity Data is published here.
Our Staff Diversity Data is published here.
11KBW Anti-Racist Statement
11KBW is committed to being an anti-racist organisation. We believe this means not merely refraining from acting in a racially discriminatory way, but taking proactive steps to confront and remedy the effects of racism in all its forms within our organisation and in our work.
Led by our Heads of Chambers, Management Committee and Equalities Committee and Equality and Diversity Officer, we are committed to creating a work environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination, and marginalisation. We recognise that well-meaning words and good intentions are not enough and that we must commit to more meaningful action in order to make effective change to address race inequality.
11KBW has therefore adopted a programme of positive action measures and other steps to improve access to the Bar and to improve racial diversity within chambers. This includes:
- Establishing an 11KBW Scholarship for Black students on the BPTC, that includes an award of £30,000. Full details of the 11KBW Scholarship are available at https://11kbwscholarship.com/.
- Providing events dedicated to addressing race inequality, such as “A Career at the Bar for students from ethnic minority backgrounds” in 2021, hosted by our former colleague Mr Justice Choudhury, the first member of the British Bangladeshi community to be appointed to the High Court Bench.
- Auditing our own recruitment diversity data and evidence (and requiring this from our external recruiters) to challenge our commitment to anti-racism and develop appropriate remedial action.
- Using the Rare Contextual Recruitment System https://contextualrecruitment.co.uk which allows us to understand each pupillage applicant’s achievements in the context in which they have been gained.
- Providing mandatory anti-racism training to all members and staff at 11KBW.
- Focusing on improving our recruitment and training for all roles in chambers so that we attract and retain the best talent from all backgrounds, and properly reflect the diversity of our society.
- Participating in the Bridging the Bar mini-pupillage scheme and providing Advocacy training for members of the Bridging the Bar Academy to improve equality of access for underrepresented groups at the Bar.
- Participating in the Bar Council’s Bar Placement Scheme, run in conjunction with Pathways to Law and the Social Mobility Foundation.
- Participating in COMBAR’s mentoring scheme to improve quality of access for underrepresented groups at the Commercial Bar.
This Anti-Racist Statement has been adopted by 11KBW’s Management Committee. 11KBW will continue to develop our anti-racist practice by reviewing our progress on a regular basis in our Equalities Committee and reporting to our Management Committee.
Access statement
11KBW is based in Inner Temple within buildings on King’s Bench Walk.
Our client-facing facilities are at number 11 King’s Bench Walk, which is accessed by 8 steps. Unfortunately, there is no internal or external lift in any part of the premises, and these physical restraints regrettably mean that Chambers is not wheelchair accessible. However, we can offer accessible in-person conference facilities, and we can also make arrangements for virtual or remote conferences. If these – or any other facilities – would assist, visitors are invited to discuss the arrangements that they need with one of the clerks or directly with the barrister instructed.
If you are considering applying for pupillage or mini-pupillage and have particular access needs, please raise these with our Director of Finance and Administration (email Claire.Halas@11kbw.com) and we will take any reasonable steps that we can to meet those needs.
Social responsibilities
Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) underpins all that we do at 11KBW.
We are committed to fairness, and were the first chambers to pay the London Living Wage.
We have a dedicated charity budget, and many of us take part in the London Legal Walk to support the city’s legal advice charities. We are also among the Bar Pro Bono Unit’s “Friends in Law”.
We work closely with schools and offer student placements for those interested in the legal profession. We are also members of the Pegasus Trust, a scholarship scheme offering gifted young lawyers the opportunity of work experience in a first-class set of chambers.
We help protect our surroundings with an environmentally friendly procurement policy and have achieved five gold awards for recycling in the London Clean City Awards Scheme.
Our Director of Finance and Administration, Claire Halas, actively seeks your suggestions as we continue to develop our CSR. You can email her at Claire.Halas@11kbw.com.