Paul Greatorex

Paul Greatorex

Professional Summary

Called 1999

Contact Details

E T +44 (0)20 7632 8500 Clerk Lee Cutler Clerk Tori Eastwick Clerk John Ojeda E

Paul is very experienced barrister who specialises in education law. His background in public, commercial, employment, discrimination, planning, regulatory, and data protection law mean he is able to offer advice and representation in all areas of education law with confidence. Paul acts for the full range of clients in this sector, including schools, universities, parents, students, local authorities, multi-academy trusts, government departments and other education bodies and organisations. He provides traditional legal advice and representation in all courts and tribunals, as well as associated services such as investigations, complaint hearings, mediations and training. He is the editor of the ‘Education Law Handbook’ (LexisNexis, 2021), has experience as a school governor and Chair of Trustees for a Multi-Academy Trust, and is a trustee of a charity for children and adults with autism. Paul has appeared in the Supreme Court on a number of occasions (including independently) and has done numerous cases in the Court of Appeal. He is endorsed by the legal directories whose comments include, “he is exceptionally good and a force to be reckoned with”, “a tenacious advocate with superb client-handling skills” and “he has an absolutely encyclopaedic knowledge of very technical areas”. Paul is registered for public access and enjoys working closely with clients to help them achieve their goals.



Paul has practised in public law throughout his career.  He has represented numerous local authorities and public bodies and experienced the full range of government legal work during his time on the Attorney-General’s panel of counsel.  He is very experienced in claims for judicial review in the High Court as well as appellate cases in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.  Paul has particular expertise in discrimination law and claims under the Equality Act 2010 and also has considerable experience of community care, immigration, mental capacity, planning and prisons cases.


Education law is Paul’s main area of practice and encompasses every aspect of this field from pre-school to university. He advises and represents a wide range of clients from all over the country and appears in all relevant tribunals and courts. His past and present clients include schools (maintained, independent and academies), parents, students, local authorities, universities, FE colleges, language schools, qualifications bodies, the Schools Adjudicator, Ofsted and the Department for Education. He appeared in the High Court and Supreme Court in the high-profile “term-time holidays” case of Isle of Wight v Platt [2017] UKSC 28.

Examples of his work in this field include:

TW and KW v Hampshire County Council
[2022] UKUT 305 (AAC), UT (AAC), November 1 2022, [2023] ELR 257
FTT erred in ordering a person’s privately-funded carers to make their special educational provision.

R (Q) v Staffordshire County Council

[2021] EWHC 3486 (Admin), Admin Ct, December 8 2021, [2022] ELR 660
Provision by a local authority of temporary education otherwise than at school pending completion of the EHCP process and identification of a suitable school was not a breach of s.19 of the Education Act 1996 or an infringement of his right to education under the ECHR.

R (Goodred) v Portsmouth CC
[2021] EWHC 3057 (Admin)
Local authorities’ duties towards parents who elect to educate their children and home – local authority entitled to insist upon something more than a parental report in order to be satisfied that such children are receiving a suitable education.

VS and RS v Hampshire CC
[2021] UKUT 187 (AAC), [2021] ELR 833, UT (AAC)
National trial EHC plan appeals in the FTT – different approach taken to health and social care recommendations.

AB v University of XYZ
[2021] ELR 1, [2020] EWHC 206 (QB), March 19, 2020, [2020] ELR 317
Student found to have committed sexual misconduct expelled – Whether university had jurisdiction to determine complaint – Whether implied term of fairness and principle of natural justice entitled a student to legal representation in internal proceedings

Human Rights

Human rights issues arise regularly in most of Paul’s areas of practice and he has considerable experience of advising on them, both from the perspective of the individual and the public authority.

Local Government

Paul regularly advises and represents local authorities on the areas of law in which he specialises, and also provides talks and training.


Paul is available to act as a mediator or arbitrator in disputes of any nature within his areas of practice. He is always keen to find innovative solutions to resolve disputes in a way that is more amicable and proportionate than formal litigation.


Paul has experience of all types of investigations ranging from straightforward cases to complex ones which attract very high profile coverage in the national media.  He understands the need to work with clients from the outset to establish the nature and scope of the investigation and to ensure that it is carried out promptly and in a proportionate way.


“His commitment to each case is second to none. He’s also a brilliant thinker and is able to analyse the minute details of each case to ensure that everything is covered.” Chambers and Partners

“He is exceptionally good and a force to be reckoned with.” Chambers and Partners

“A tenacious advocate with superb client-handling skills.” Chambers and Partners

“He works quickly. He produces excellent submissions which are incisive and to the point. The clients like his tough approach with opponents and his sound and realistic advice.” Legal 500

“A clever advocate; he leaves no stone unturned in his cross-examination of witnesses.” Legal 500

“He’s very approachable, good with clients and a persuasive advocate.” Chambers and Partners

“He has an absolutely encyclopaedic knowledge of very technical areas.” Chambers and Partners

“A real team player who rolls up his sleeves and gets stuck in. He very easily earns the client’s confidence and is very easy to deal with.” Chambers and Partners

“He definitely fights his corner hard.” Chambers and Partners

“He is very knowledgeable on local government matters.” Chambers and Partners

“He’s effective, persuasive and has a nice manner with the court.” Chambers and Partners

“A respected Court of Protection practitioner.” Chambers and Partners

“Sensitive with the highly emotive issues and commanding of the highly technical issuesLegal 500

“Extremely competent on his feet and quick to grasp the strengths and weaknesses of a case” Legal 500

“In a submission of conspicuous ability, Mr Greatorex renewed the arguments that he had presented so forcefully to the Court of Appeal…We are…grateful to Mr Greatorex for his comprehensive and scrupulously fair examination of the arguments.” (Supreme Court judgment, Gisda Cyf v Barratt [2010] UKSC 41)

“A strong advocate who is highly persuasive in his arguments. He never gives up.” Chambers and Partners

“He is a very effective advocate. An academic public lawyer who is super-bright.” Chambers and Partners

“Goes above and beyond to secure the best outcome for his client” Legal 500

“He gives prompt advice, and is very personable and approachable.” Chambers and Partners

News, Articles & Publications

Editor, Education Law Handbook (LexisNexis, 2021)

Author, Anti-Social Behaviour Law (2nd ed., Jordans, 2011)

Contributor, Education and the Courts, McManus (3rd ed., Jordans, 2012) Editor.


Christleton High School, Chester

Oxford University, BA (Hons) in Law with French Law (Double First)

Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II


Languages: French, Italian, Czech, German
Memberships: Administrative Law Bar Assocation (ALBA)


Regulatory Information

All members of Chambers are registered with the Bar Stardards Board of England and Wales. For general terms and conditions on which services are provided - click here

Professional title: Barrister

Full name (as registered with Bar Standards Board of England and Wales): Paul Greatorex

VAT Number: GB 760881413

Legal Status: Sole Practitioner

Professional Insurance: All members of Chambers have professional liability insurance provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund Ltd - click here for more details

Territorial coverage is world-wide, subject to the terms of the Bar Mutual, which may be found here

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