Joseph Barrett KC in key judgment on limitation in public contracts challenges


The High Court has handed down an important judgment, providing extensive guidance on the correct interpretation and application of a number of aspects of the rules governing limitation in respect of challenges to the award of public contracts under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“the PCR”): Oracle Security Services Limited v Barts Health NHS Trust & Ors [2024] EWHC 1201 (TCC).

The judgment will be of considerable interest, and importance, for those litigating public contracts challenges.

Joseph Barrett KC of 11KBW appeared on behalf of the Defendants, instructed by Bevan Brittan and Browne Jacobson.

The Claimant was represented by Peter Knox KC.

A brief overview of the case and judgment can be found here.

11KBW will shortly deliver a webinar on the judgment. Please contact if you would like to receive an invitation.