The Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union has handed down two highly significant judgments on the compatibility of powers of…
Read MoreCases
Joseph Barrett successful in Olympic Park procurement challenge
Joseph Barrett, of 11KBW, acted for the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (“the Authority”) in successfully defending a substantial claim under the Public Contracts Regulations…
Read MoreChristopher Knight in ISIS Beatles’ Challenge to Transfer of Data to the USA
In R (Elgizouli) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 2516 (Admin), the Divisional Court has handed down a decision regarding the…
Read MoreBackto60 women lose state pension age challenge
The Court of Appeal has handed down judgment on 15 September 2020 in the case of R(Delve) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.…
Read MoreAndrew Sharland KC and Stephen Kosmin appear in successful appeal against the use of Automated Facial Recognition technology by South Wales Police
Andrew Sharland KC and Stephen Kosmin appeared for the Surveillance Camera Commissioner in R (Bridges) v Chief Constable of South Wales Police [2020] EWCA Civ…
Read MoreDaniel Stilitz KC and Michael White defeat challenge to NICE in Court of Appeal
On 6 August 2020, the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in the expedited appeal in R (Cotter) v National Institute for Health and Care…
Read MoreSummary judgment applications dismissed by Commercial Court in LIBOR indemnity claim
The Commercial Court (Butcher J) delivered judgment last week in Allen & Conti v Rabobank [2020] EWHC 1902 (Comm). The Court dismissed applications by the…
Read MoreChristopher Knight in CJEU International Data Transfers Ruling
The transfer of personal data out of the European Union is subject to a detailed regulatory regime in Regulation 2016/679 (“the GDPR”), and may be…
Read MoreBritish Airways Plc, Easyjet and Ryanair -v- Secretary of State for Health
Cecilia Ivimy and Julian Blake (alongside James Eadie KC, Zoe Leventhal and Ravi Mehta) have been instructed on behalf of the Secretary of State for…
Read MoreJason Coppel KC, Joseph Barrett and Michael White acting for Dr Cathy Gardner in care homes JR
A team from 11KBW is acting for Dr Cathy Gardner in her judicial review concerning the Government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic in care homes. Dr Gardner’s…
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