“What’s the Deal?” Corporate Sponsorship and FOIA 2000 – Garrard v Information Commissioner and British Museum


The General Regulatory Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal has made a substitute decision in the case Garrard v Information Commissioner and the British Museum [2024] UKFTT 601 (GRC). The Appellant, Dr Christopher Garrard, was successful in part. The reasons will be of interest to those seeking to use information law to access corporate sponsorship arrangements between public institutions and fossil fuel companies, and to those seeking to resist such efforts.

The appeal concerned Dr Garrard’s request to the British Museum in 2022 for information relating to sponsorship negotiations between the British Museum and BP. Dr Garrard challenged the British Museum’s reliance on the commercial interests exemption under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

James Goudie KC acted for the Appellant, Dr Christopher Garrard, instructed by Paul Taylor of Richard Buxton Solicitors. Robin Hopkins acted for the Second Respondent, the British Museum. Leo Davidson acted for the First Respondent, the Information Commissioner, in producing written submissions at the pleading stage.

A full overview of the case can be found here.