High Court provides important guidance on procurement law and judicial review challenges to price regulated services and public authority contractual and commercial decisions: Dukes Limited v Breckland Council [2023] EWHC 1569 (TCC)
The High Court has handed down an important judgment exploring the scope for bringing procurement law and judicial review challenges to contractual and commercial decisions by public bodies. The Judgment addresses a number of important issues, including:
- the first detailed consideration of the definition of ‘concession contract’ in the CCR 2016;
- the first domestic guidance on how procurement law (comprising both the PCR 2015 and CCR 2016) applies where services are subject to statutory price regulation or control;
- the types of commercial decisions and conduct by public bodies which may be subject to challenge by judicial review;
- critically, what ‘grounds’ of public law challenge the Courts will (and will not) now permit to be brought to decisions of public bodies that are made in a contractual or commercial context; and
- how judicial review and public law can be used effectively to assist commercial undertakings who find themselves in dispute with public authority counterparties.
‘Joseph Barrett (counsel for the successful Authority) and Jason Coppel KC will discuss the key lessons to be taken from the High Court’s judgment.
Date: Wednesday, 12th July 2023
Time: 10.30am-11.30am
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Delegate Charge: Free
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