Jonathan Auburn is an experienced barrister at 11KBW specialising in local authority service provision, particularly in adult social care, education, mental capacity and local authority governance. He has been advising both local authorities and claimants on a wide range of issues arising from the recent changes to SEN duties and admissions appeals
SEN duties:
- The Secretary of State’s Notice converting the SEN duty to a reasonable endeavours duty
- The new Regulations altering SEN timescales
- The meaning and effect of a “reasonable endeavours” duty
- Implications of changes for both assessment and drafting of Plans
- FTT appeals under the current regime
Admissions appeals:
- The recent changes to the Admissions Appeals Arrangements Regulations
- Operating admissions appeals during lockdown
- Remote hearings and paper hearings: conditions and mistakes
- Consequences for the future after lockdown, secondary transfer and other issues
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