Inquests, Inquiries and Investigations: relevant law and practical guidance

11/02/2020 | 9:00 am 2:00 pm
Crowne Plaza, 19 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6DB

This half day seminar on 11 February 2020 will examine the law and practice relating to inquests, public inquiries and internal investigations. These are areas of growing importance and complexity and topics covered will include:

  • Inquests – what to expect, common issues and case law update
  • Conversion of inquests and investigations into public inquiries
  • Public inquiries update: current inquiries and current issues
  • Ten top tips for a tip top investigation
  • Investigations in the courts: how to challenge them and the judge’s perspective
  • Inquests, inquiries and investigations in the media: how to handle press attention and common legal issues

The seminar will be chaired by Jonathan Moffett KC and the speakers will be:

Please click here for the conference agenda.

Seminar Details
Date: 11 February 2020
Venue: Crowne Plaza, 19 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6DB
Registration from 9am with the seminar starting at 9.30am until 1pm with a buffet lunch served afterwards
Cost: £49 + VAT = £58.80pp

How to Book?
To book your place on this conference please email with the delegate name, firm, email address and any purchase order details you may require. You will be then sent a confirmation email of your place and invoiced. We do not have the facilities to accept payments by credit or debit cards.

A refund can be made up to 14 days before the conference. A substitute delegate will be accepted any time before the conference.

Additional Requirements
If you have any additional requirements e.g. wheelchair access, large print documentation or an induction loop, or if you have any particular dietary requirements please let us know.
Important Note

11KBW reserve the right at any time and without prior notice to change the venue, speakers or programme. We also reserve the right in our absolute discretion and without further liability to cancel the conference, in which event full refunds will be made

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