Jonathan Auburn KC explains the new law on off site schooling as set out in today’s judgment on this issue in R (CHF) v Newick CE Primary School [2021] EWHC 2513 (Admin), 17 September 2021. This case sets out the legal principles by which schools and local authorities can require children to attend at a place other than the school they are registered at, to receive education, including requirements to attend at another school. Jonathan successfully argued the Newick School case on behalf of the school and local authority.
Amongst the topics will be:
- the different types of mandatory off site schooling, inc for disciplinary, safeguarding, and other reasons
- which statutory provisions schools and local authorities are able to use: s.51A 2002 Act, ss.29 and 29A 2002 Act, s.19 1996 Act and s.175 2002 Act
- relevant statutory guidance relating to the issue
- legal limits on the exercise of such powers
- areas of uncertainty
Date: Friday 24 September 2021
Time: 10am – 11am
The webinar is free of charge.
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