A complete online course on how to do judicial review, run in short sessions on Zoom over 4 days.
The course includes:
- Judicial review: who it affects and what remedies can be offered
- What can be challenged and by who
- Differences between cases based on the Human Rights Act and other grounds
- Claims by pressure and public interest groups
- Third-party interventions and CCOs
- Steps in a judicial review claim
- Funding and costs
- Public law quiz!
- Case study to help delegate put their learning to practical use.
Who should attend:
- Junior and trainee lawyers, advisers, advocates and anyone likely to be involved in judicial review claims, or increase their understanding of JR to help their clients.
- Anyone responsible for legal policy in NGOs or Government, or those tasked with Government decision making.
- Those working in campaigning organisations with a legal strategy and
- Those representing and advising marginalised groups in society
Bookings and Ticket pricing:
The bookings are being managed by the Public Law Project and places can be booked here.
- Standard ticket: £160 – For those working in private practice and public bodies
- Standard group booking for 3-6 delegates: £140
- Discounted ticket: £120 – For those working at charities or are trainees and pupils
- Discounted group booking for 3-6 delegates: £90
- Advisers ticket: £60- For those advising but not qualified as, or training to be, solicitors or barristers
- Student ticket: £20 – For students in full-time education making the booking using a valid university email address
Monday 25 November
10:00-11:00 Introductory principles
- Tom Cross, 11KBW
- Aliya Al-Yassin, 11KBW
14:00-15:30 Grounds for JR
- Oliver Jackson, 11KBW
Tuesday 26 November
11:00-12:30 Steps in a JR claim, part 1 – from letter before claim to permission
- Aoife O’Reilly, Public Law Project
14:00-15:30 Steps in a JR claim, part 2 – from post-permission to final hearing + Quiz
- Hannah Slarks, 11KBW
- Raphael Hogarth, 11KBW
Wednesday 27 November
10:00-12:00 Funding for JR
Legal aid
- Niamh Grahame, Public Law Project
CCOs and third-party interventions
- Christian Davies, 11KBW
Settlements and costs
- Christian Davies, 11KBW
14:00-15:00 Defending a JR
- James Goudie KC, 11KBW
Thursday 28 November
10:00-11:30 Case study
- Victoria Pogge von Strandmann, Public Law Project