Webinar: The Law of School Finance

24/02/2021 | 10:00 am 11:15 am

Date: Wednesday 24 February 2021
Time: 10:00 – 11:15
Speaker: Peter Oldham KC

The law of school finance is scattered across numerous statutes, complicated statutory instruments, and guidance both statutory and non-statutory. Peter aims to untangle the knots, and give a clear explanation of the legal structures which regulate how money gets from the DfE via local authorities to schools.   Topics will include the Secretary of State’s conditions of grant; block funding; LAs’ non-school, school and individual schools budgets; schools’ budget shares; planned expenditure and the role of schools forum; LAs’ statutory school finance schemes; schools’ financial powers; school accounts; and LA powers of intervention when things go wrong.  Peter will also talk about an issue which crops up quite regularly  – who bears the cost of dismissal or premature retirement of school staff.

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